Check out this video Mike Portnoy fans di Polandia kemarin. Pada sekitar 1:35 menit Mike ditanya tentang album baru Avenged Sevenfold. Menurut Mike itu akan keluar pada bulan Juli, seperti yang dikabarkan sebelumnya. Dia juga menyebutkan bahwa dia tidak tahu apakah ada dalam jadwal Eropa saat ini, tapi kalau itu, pasti akan ada di sana bersama mereka.
READ MORE - Video: Mike Portnoy Speaks About New A7X Album And Touring.
Avenged Sevenfold telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa Mike Portnoy akan menjadi Drummer bagi mereka selama tur Rockstar Uproar:
Setelah begitu baik dan peduli untuk membantu kami di studio, desas-desus itu terbukti benar, dan Mike Portnoy akan membantu kami dalam tur UPROAR mendatang akhir tahun ini. Kami berharap dapat melihat Anda semua di jalan. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada Mike untuk mendedikasikan waktu dan bakat untuk membantu kami kembali ke jalan sehingga kami dapat berada di tempat paling kita butuhkan dengan fans kami.
Much Love and Respect
Zacky V
READ MORE - Mike Portnoy confirmed drummer for 2010
Setelah begitu baik dan peduli untuk membantu kami di studio, desas-desus itu terbukti benar, dan Mike Portnoy akan membantu kami dalam tur UPROAR mendatang akhir tahun ini. Kami berharap dapat melihat Anda semua di jalan. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada Mike untuk mendedikasikan waktu dan bakat untuk membantu kami kembali ke jalan sehingga kami dapat berada di tempat paling kita butuhkan dengan fans kami.
Much Love and Respect
Zacky V
Menurut Radio Hard Drive, Mike Portnoy akan menjadi drummer Avenged Sevenfold selama tur Rockstar Uproar akhir tahun ini. Selain itu, mereka mengatakan album ini jatuh tempo pada tanggal Juli 27 dan single pertamanya berjudul "Nightmare".
Dan berbicara tentang Uproar, saya mendengar Mike Portnoy drummer dari Dream Theater akan tur dengan Avenged Sevenfold. Mike dimainkan di album baru to-be-titled, Avenged Sevenfold, sejak Juli 27. "Single pertama, yang aku dengar di LA, yang disebut Nightmare" dan Smoking Hot!
READ MORE - Mike Portnoy To Drum For A7X, Album Out In July And New Single Called "Nightmare"
Dan berbicara tentang Uproar, saya mendengar Mike Portnoy drummer dari Dream Theater akan tur dengan Avenged Sevenfold. Mike dimainkan di album baru to-be-titled, Avenged Sevenfold, sejak Juli 27. "Single pertama, yang aku dengar di LA, yang disebut Nightmare" dan Smoking Hot!
After having had such an amazing experience recording my drum tracks for the new Avenged Sevenfold album, we all knew it would be awesome if I'd be able to do some touring with the band after its release...
I am happy to say that the timing worked out perfectly that my touring cycle with Dream Theater (and Transatlantic) was coming to an end just as A7X's was scheduled begin!
(well, perfect for everyone except my poor family!) : )
Although I wish I could stay on board with A7X in a more permanent capacity, the reality is that I am committed to Dream Theater as my main priority (that is my baby after all!), and I will need to resume work with DT to start a new album at some point in 2011....
However, I will be able to join my brothers in Avenged Sevenfold for at least the duration of their touring throughout 2010...and hopefully this will give them the time to continue to heal and get comfortable back on the road....
You can look at me like the band's "rebound drummer" to buy them some time until they are comfortable and ready to make a commitment to somebody new for full-time relationship in their future!
In the meantime, I am real excited to hit the road with the bring my drumming from their new album to life on stage and to honor The Rev with all of their older material....
(Hey, do I get to have a cool, bad-ass stage name now???) : )
C-ya out there,
sumber :
I am happy to say that the timing worked out perfectly that my touring cycle with Dream Theater (and Transatlantic) was coming to an end just as A7X's was scheduled begin!
(well, perfect for everyone except my poor family!) : )
Although I wish I could stay on board with A7X in a more permanent capacity, the reality is that I am committed to Dream Theater as my main priority (that is my baby after all!), and I will need to resume work with DT to start a new album at some point in 2011....
However, I will be able to join my brothers in Avenged Sevenfold for at least the duration of their touring throughout 2010...and hopefully this will give them the time to continue to heal and get comfortable back on the road....
You can look at me like the band's "rebound drummer" to buy them some time until they are comfortable and ready to make a commitment to somebody new for full-time relationship in their future!
In the meantime, I am real excited to hit the road with the bring my drumming from their new album to life on stage and to honor The Rev with all of their older material....
(Hey, do I get to have a cool, bad-ass stage name now???) : )
C-ya out there,
sumber :
Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed Main Di Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Fest May 3rd, 2010 No Comments RSS
Festival Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar yang pertama menampilkan beberapa Band Rock. Dalam Event yang rencanannya diselenggarakan setiap tahun tersebut, selain Avenged Sevenfold juga akan tampil Disturebed, Halestorm dan Stone Sour. Seperti yang diumumkan oleh Bilboard. Kalian juga bisa mendapatkan informasi dengan berlangganan di
The first annual Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival will begin in late summer and feature headliners Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed, along with Halestorm and Stone Sour.
Set for the Jägermeister second stage are headliners Hellyeah, as well as Airbourne, Hail The Villain, New Medicine and the Jägermeister Battle of The Bands Winner in each city. The 36-date tour launches Aug. 17 in Minneapolis and will play primarily Live Nation amphitheaters before wrapping Oct. 4 in Madison, Wis.
The national on sale for the Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival is Saturday, June 12, and tickets will be available via and A special pre-sale will commence Tuesday, June 8. Ticket prices range from $10 to $69.
Uproar TV launches today at and a new episode will air every Tuesday from May 10 through the end of the tour with exclusive behind the scenes footage and surprises from bands on the tour. In addition, Guitar Player magazine will produce the official festival program which will be distributed free at each show.
READ MORE - Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed Main Di Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Fest May 3rd, 2010 No Comments RSS
The first annual Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival will begin in late summer and feature headliners Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed, along with Halestorm and Stone Sour.
Set for the Jägermeister second stage are headliners Hellyeah, as well as Airbourne, Hail The Villain, New Medicine and the Jägermeister Battle of The Bands Winner in each city. The 36-date tour launches Aug. 17 in Minneapolis and will play primarily Live Nation amphitheaters before wrapping Oct. 4 in Madison, Wis.
The national on sale for the Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival is Saturday, June 12, and tickets will be available via and A special pre-sale will commence Tuesday, June 8. Ticket prices range from $10 to $69.
Uproar TV launches today at and a new episode will air every Tuesday from May 10 through the end of the tour with exclusive behind the scenes footage and surprises from bands on the tour. In addition, Guitar Player magazine will produce the official festival program which will be distributed free at each show.
Kita semua menghargai dan menghormati dan ingin mendengar pendapatnya. Berikut adalah apa yang dikatakan oleh Brian Haner Sr tentang album baru a7x, melalui Twitter:
Saya telah mendengar semua lagu saat Portnoy melakukan tracks drum.
mereka terdengar menakjubkan. tapi mereka belum selesai. banyak demo vokal dll
Berharap untuk satu atau dua hari aku sengaja menjauh. Aku ingin mengalami "telinga segar" ketika saya mendengar tentang a7x baru.
Semakin dekat Anda dengan sesuatu. kurang tujuan Anda. Aku selalu ngeri ketika mendengar "Sidewinder Solo" dari samping. bisa dilakukan dengan lebih baik.
Saya tidak bisa benar-benar bicara tentang spesifik. keterlibatan saya. dll. saya hanya bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa itu adalah Syair kepahlawanan dan jimmy Smilling down on the boys.
Terima kasih untuk semua kata-kata manis. masih
sulit bagi saya untuk berbicara tentang Jimmy. Saya merindukannya setiap hari.
Selama bebrapa hari terbaik, Brian Haner SR telah membuat beberapa komentar mengenai Album Baru Avenged Sevenfold dan Beberapa pengalaman Dia telah mendengar Demo dan Akhir sebuah tracks.
Check it out:
Saya tidak bisa benar-benar bicara tentang keterlibatan spesifik dll saya hanya bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa Syair kepahlawanan dan Jimmy adalah "Smiling down on the boys"
Seolah-olah update kemarin dari Avenged Sevenfold tidak cukup, mari kita semua "Its Coming!! ...", saya pikir" Papa Gates 'ingin bergabung dan biarkan kami tahu betapa bahagianya dia dan kita harus...
Message Papa Gates On Tweet:
Tidak dapat menunggu Rekaman Album baru A7X untuk keluar.
WOW Beberapa hal besar yang terbaik yang PERNAH mereka lakukan.
Avenged Sevenfold adalah salah satu Rumor band yang akan Bermain di Rockstar Uproar Tour 2010. Sekarang, Rockstar Uproar akan mengumumkan lewat Twitter mereka Bahwa akan ada Pengumuman Besar pada hari Senin, tanggal 3 Mei.
Rockstar Uproar Tweet:
Dan semua yang bisa Saya Katakan adalah "Wow!" Mike Portnoy berbagi pemikirannya pada apa yang di pikirkannya tentang Rekaman baru Avenged sevenfold sejauh ini:
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